Wreck-It Ralph: Feel it in your code!

A cute and creative piece that might seem trivial but secretly teaches kids some really important stuff The Arcade. The building stone of many childhoods. The devourer of quarters. The giver of tickets. … I think. I’ve never been to an arcade. Do they give out tickets? Doesn’t matter. What matters is that arcades are … Continue reading Wreck-It Ralph: Feel it in your code!

Ready Player One: It’s always sunny in the OASIS… or is it?

Steven Spielberg's adaptation of an unexplicably beloved novel is magnificently mediocre in the best sense of the word You know what I don’t usually expect from a movie? To be better than the book. Yeah, I’m that kind of snob. It’s just ingrained in me, same as I never expect a sequel to be better … Continue reading Ready Player One: It’s always sunny in the OASIS… or is it?

Summer Film School – Polish and German Films (plus one I´d rather not talk about)

Polish films have their place in Summer Film School due to a close cooperation of some of our film institutions, if I´m not mistaken. Therefore I saw two very neat films from the polish production. Since I don´t have enough material to make a separate article on the german films I saw (I saw one, … Continue reading Summer Film School – Polish and German Films (plus one I´d rather not talk about)